In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry attends the QuidditchWorld Cup which is attacked by Death Eaters who leave behindVoldemort's Dark Mark. Harry then returns to Hogwarts for hisfourth year, and soon discovers that the school will be hosting theTriwizard Tournament. One champion from each of the three competing schools, Hogwarts,Drumstrang and Beauxbatons, is selected to compete in three tasks.Those interested in representing their school who are over the ageof seventeen put their name into the Goblet of Fire, which willselect one person from each school. On the night of the ceremony, the Goblet of Fire issues the threechampions (Victor Krum of Dumstrang, Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatonsand Cedric Diggory of Hogwarts) and then selects a fourth champion- Harry. The rules of the tournament means that Harry has no choicebut to compete. Harry completes the first two tasks with a lot ofhelp and ends up in joint first place at the start of the thirdtask, the goal is to navigate to the centre of the maze and collectthe Triwizard Cup. Harry and Cedric reach the cup at the same time, and areimmediately transported to a graveyard.
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